I don’t claim “bad news.” Nothing can top the death of a loved one, so I try to remain grateful for what is. So with the news I came across last week, I won’t claim it as “bad.” Instead, it will be known as an “opportunity,” like many small stumbles and bumps in our road. Sure, it has completely knocked aside the dream and goal I had set for myself with twelve years in the making. And yes, I only had less than a few months left to finally relish in my years of hard work. However, as of now, it is not happening.
The fact is that I probably attracted this opportunity--but in a necessary way. As I began to focus on trying to build a brand around myself, some things seem to take up more time than I wanted. Subsequently, the Universe moved it out of the way. I wanted to write more, now I can. I wanted to put more support in my Towel & Cornbread venture, now I can. It still stings a little, but I believe I have finally arrived at what is true to me.
I know this because I was offered a job promotion at my new job. Without much hesitation, I turned it down. I didn’t want it. I wanted to focus on the things I really wanted. I have been working since I was seventeen and have finally grasped some direction within myself. Besides that, I didn’t want to be responsible for my co-workers. I didn’t want to work night shifts five days straight, including weekends. I require the flexibility to follow my own dreams and goals--especially now that I‘m 30. It was great that my co-workers, managers, and even corporate, commended my dedication and work. However, I felt tested by the Universe when I was asked to take a promotion. I could limit the value of my time to settle for a $1 raise, and more responsibilities in a place that was meant to be temporary. Or I can decline the offer and keep putting my valued time into staying in my Truth.
So I declined. Now suddenly I see that other things appear to be moving out of my way, even the one thing I relied upon for years to service my life in the end. Nevertheless, both of these situations made me realize two important things: trust my instincts and keep the faith. I have moments of cloudy thoughts telling me things I don’t need to hear. And I manage to brush them away every time because there is a stronger impulse telling me that everything is so, so right. That I know like I know like I know what is happening to me is making perfect sense. My faith is so steadfast that I ask for answers and stay receptive to them as I act on inspired thoughts. I don’t have all the answers. Still, I know it only takes a moment for prospects to take off, and that God, the Universe, Source is on my side. All is well in my world.
So when we have set backs, even ones that seem to cut so deeply, the best attitude could be one of gratitude. As corny as that sounds.
On another note, Spring is finally here. Dear God in Heaven does Spring give me so much spirit. My favorite month is April and I hope it last forever this year.