Despite losing my aunt (another mother to me, basically) last year, I'm optimistic and in an okay place entering 2020. Therefore, needless to say, 2019 was heartbreaking and incredibly hard to make sense of. I'm learning how time, doing your inner work, and focusing on your goals helps with the healing process. But, most importantly as well, being strong enough to get real help when needed. Either way, I don't believe there's a such thing as "healing" after a family member's death. That's something you'll carry forever. Every. Day. While 2019 was tough, I had many personal rewards and soaring highs come my way via my platform/interactions. Many of those highs I didn't expect. Like the time someone hacked into my domain account to try to steal it from under me. Nice try, though. I shelled out that $90 (no problem, boo) and now comictowel belongs to me until I renew again in 2023. I've created/owned it since July of 2013, and it'll remain so, honeybun.
What’s up, folks. So listen–err, read. Today I wanted to share how you can use the online design tool, Canva, to create easy thumbnails for your YouTube videos. Or at least how I create mine. Nonetheless, you always want an interesting thumbnail to grab viewer’s attention. Especially for those viewers who aren’t familiar with your content. When a video of yours pops up in viewer’s search or on their recommendations list, chances are a unique thumbnail will grab their attention. Especially a thumbnail with eye-popping color and an interesting composite representative of the actual content (no click baiting, please).
But enough of that. Let’s get started… (If images are too small, try clicking on them for a fuller scaled view).
1. First I suggest you grab a screenshot of what’s taking place in the video you plan on uploading. Different video editing programs have different methods of capturing a screenshot. But, with Windows Movie Maker, it’s as simple as clicking SNAPSHOT. Save the image wherever you please before logging into Canvas.
Funny surprises around every corner. I just wanted to share this Spreadshirt related post to remind those who partake in its use to never give up. And to also remind one another that anything can happen, so don’t underestimate your designs and products.
It’s really interesting; I recently sold this particular design on Spreadshirt’s marketplace–times two. I say “interesting” because I dislike the design out of all available. And, literally, pulled it up from scratch just to find another means to fit the theme of my Kdrama/K-Pop store. I weighted and weighted whether to keep the design, and just left it alone.
And here it is the one sold first off the marketplace–twice.
You just never know. Which is why I always suggest those starting a Spreadshirt store to try different things out. Even the most ludicrous (but tasteful) ideas deserve a go. You just never, never know. I'm beyond grateful for the surprises.
Any surprising Spreadshirt stores you want to inspire others with? Please share the details below.
The title says it all; but just a little backstory to its conception. I remember talking to an old coworker about blogging–but without sharing my particular interests and activities doing so. As I’ve stated before, you must be discerning about who you share your ideas with. Anyway, the conversation was about how it's possible to support yourself blogging, if vigilant. Or how blogging came make you at least enough to build an extra income outside of working a 9-5. Combining your interest/passions with a solid monetization strategy–BOOM. Interesting stuff to talk about at the workplace, right?
Well, most of my expressed ideas fell on moot ears. Abandoning the conversation, I started thinking about the paths we take in life. Specifically, the detours we take when stumbling through brush and granite toward our life goals. Then my English major years in college bubbled up in thought, as well as how I tumbled out of its expectations. And while my expectations fell apart along the quest, these days I’m kind of already doing what I wanted to do. Granted it's super-super small scaled, independent, flooded, and removed of any foreseeable safety nets. But it's all about the tethered-less joy of expressing oneself through words and language (and drawing and talking life). And, ever so naturally, reading. Yet, let’s be real, you usually get degrees to get hired off somewhere. Personal Flaw: I'm known for blowing interviews by being too honest when asked questions anyway.
Anyhow, just as I reflected on those years scratching around campus looking for the meaning of life through words and language, the idea for this post emerged. Let's talk about five career paths one could get hired on with an English Degree.
1.TEACHER. Ever notice when telling people you're majoring in English the first thing they ask is will you teach? Of course the question comesafter their gaping expression for your choice in majors. Anyway, most of us are all too familiar with this type of scenario. We know it too, too well. It’s a conversation we generally try to avoid with those outside of liberal arts. For me, when asked will I teach, I would sometimes respond with a “kinda-sorta”. Then I'd attempt to sedge out of the conversation to avoid an approaching sermon. Sometimes I could see judgment in the eyes, and would rather risk eating a dish of cassava than share dreams of becoming a crime fiction writer. I was always pretty tactful, but mainly because I grow exhausted explaining myself about anything.
Nonetheless, the perceived inadequacies some people place on the major is rampant. We hear it all the time dripping in a conversation, as we sub-speak and hint-dodge around how we’ll "pay the bills reading books." I guess this is why so many think the default profession for an English major is teaching. It’s almost as if the teacher path is the most rational way to go, and more or less income stimulating. This path gets the compassion of receiving a little security and safety, and with less starving artist anecdotes. Even if teaching appears as the English major’s default, it’s a needed path. And it has its own challenges and rewards for the passionate leader. Because that's what it takes–a leader.
Like any individual, I’ve been spending my time bumping up and sending out my resume. (Disdain ever so present to get back into someone else’s career wheel but my own.) And yet, regardless of the change, I’ve hardened my endeavors here. When I stepped out to share my passions over three years ago, it was to create a better future. A future that didn't involve punching another 15 years' worth of time clocks.
But there are things that come with such positions. Money, ambition, and your personal life turns into a juggling act. (Though my personal life qualifies as coffee and books, thank you Jesus.) And it's an act performed between looking for another job and your personal grind. It’s a sticky position. It's also a position I’m almost privy to believe not few can relate to, as I feel unaccompanied within mine. No one I know has attempted to start a blog, YouTube channel, Zazzle store, etc. So there’s no one I can turn to when my endeavors feel… well… insignificant to my cause. There's no one to bounce real ideas off of. To soak in genuine, experience-based encouragement. As opposed to those water-downed affirming cliches and platitudes the unawares always seem to give. And give they do, until you realize you've had enough and draw inward for your strength to keep moving.
So alone you continue to throw the soil, plant the seeds, walk in faith. And you have to do so in the isolation of believing in yourself. And that’s where this post leads me to.
These are four things I’ve discovered in the position I’ve just described. Though it applies to anyone who find resonance with the struggle of grinding out your own path in life. So, see if you can relate...
Do not waste my time with drama!
You don’t have the energy to listen to other people’s problems anymore–nor do you want to. Unless it’s in the spirit of entrepreneurship, ideas, or action-taking plans, you don’t want to hear it. If it’s not about risks, creativity, fueling ambitions, or personal transformation, you zone out of the conversation. If it’s not about marketing, blogs, YouTube, web stores, writing, you’ll pass. The one caveat is family and friends’ real life issues that is easily discern as in need of your support. As for routine gossip about people you don’t know or care about (or no longer go to battle for), you’re good where you are. And you avoid conversations with people who are all talk and no action. That, in itself, is sucking away your own valuable gusto to continue your fight. Basically, the people around you better build a real case to draw your attention away from the grind.
I needed Saturday. I needed that time with my cousin and her daughter. Driving around town with some generally nice (a touch breezy), sunny March weather to lead us. For me, spending a Saturday out and about is one of my favorite ways to appreciate this day of the week. As a kid, that's just what we did. J. C. Penny's, the mall, Wal-Mart, bookstores, and eating out all took place on Saturdays. From late mornings until early evenings. And after breaking out of winter and into spring, I was up for it. Yet I needed this past Saturday for a specific reason. The truth is I suffered an anxiety attack Thursday afternoon at work. You see, I think I finally hit a wall in that place. A heavy, soul-sucking, and burdensome wall at that. There's nothing pretty about feeling caged in for three years until you find yourself holding two choices: unsheathe your claws or make a run for it. I did a balance of both. And it was frightening for me to be so out of control of myself physically and mentally. And all the sweet but low key narrow-minded platitudes from others who've never been in my position don't mean a thing. Matter-of-fact, I'm tired of being around people who subscribe to systems over their own inner compasses. But I digress. Maybe I’ll write more about the incident later–outside of my journal that is.
I want to share Saturday’s haul with the Comic Towel readers. To just talk about a few of the things I got to fill the “LIFE” tag to my blog, as well as the “DRAWING” tag.
LIFE: Metaphysics to the Rescue
The day started when I asked my cousin if she wanted to visit the metaphysical gift shop, The Dream Maker, with me. A month ago my powdered incense caught her interest, so I invited her to come along with me when I went to get more.
I ran out of Anna Riva's incense powder Thursday, after using my last to get myself together post that disastrous work shift. I’d already made up my mind that I wanted to grab some new powder anyway, so the timing was right. Metaphysically, I can’t give an exact answer on the powder's effectiveness. However, the smell (and the placebo influence) is fine with me. It’s all about charging a positive environment and mindset.
This time I got the green powder for Horn of Plenty. According to the Wiki, the definition of this familiar phrase is: “Cornucopia, a symbolic, hollow horn filled with the inexhaustible gifts of celebratory fruits.” So I see this powder as a catch-all tool for generating plenty wherever your focus lie. Yet, seeing how green is a color representative of money and abundance, the obvious intentions are truth. It has a low, musty but citrus scent to it. The other powder is red, a color with a multitude of spiritual and metaphysical meanings. Still, in the case of this bottle of powdered incense, it represents attraction. Nothing specific to its aim, or focus. Still, like many things in metaphysics, you’re open to apply your own intentions.
Doing a little research on the powders beforehand, I came across a book written Anna Riva. It’s call Power in the Palms. I don’t have the book, but from what I’ve researched online, it does mention the use of candles in our prayers. So I bought the appropriate candles with the addition of a small pink one. (Could that be for attracting love?) I’ll get into praying the Psalms at another time. Just know it’s a fascinating discovery that I plan on utilizing in the future.
That’s all I got this time at The Dream Maker. For once, I didn't spend over $20. Which is easy to do in this place.
DRAWING: Crafts Please Take Control
All you crafty and art people out there, ever find yourself in a creative funk that lasted months? What do you do to re-energize your lust for the creative? If you’re like me you go to Michael’s or Hobby Lobby to load up on inspiration, tools, and ideas. And even further, you tackle the clearance section for some crafting deals. Which is what I did with these items I got from Michael's.
My brain going into creative overload, I grabbed these Jolee’s Boutique breaker and test tube stickers. Captivated by the glittery colors, I knew I could think of something to use them for in the future. So I grabbed this pack quick, led by the $1.79 clearance sticker. I also got these black chalk tiles for 79. a pack. Stirred by another idea for their use. Last, I snagged these letter crafting beads. Which, if I was thinking, I should've grabbed craft glue to go along with them. I believe I'm almost out of my 10+ year old bottle. Anyway, a little mini haul at Michael's is just what I needed to bring me back to me just a little more. Some do therapeutic shopping through clothes, I beeline for the art stuff!
She's in Progress
I’ve been working on this character for a month or two (of course see image on your right-hand side). I guess I'm lazy about taking my time to give her more shape and direction. My hopes is that some of these recent crafting goods will get my juices flowing so that I can finish her up. I remember I used to nail myself down to draw something every day. God willing–with everything I’ve gotten over the weekend–I hope to find myself back in the drawing mood. Hopefully, more often so that I can flush out my ideas routinely. And in a way that only allows peace and tranquility to fill my voids. There's a certain catharsis I get from watching colorful characters come to life. And with all that's been happening in my immediate surroundings, I owe myself a session. Or two. Or three. Or infinitely!
Let go and let God...
Anyway, a small little weekend haul I wanted to share. How do you go about rejoicing and honoring your spirit and creativity? Share your thoughts below!
Let’s try to talk about New Year’s Resolutions once more. Actually, let’s not. Commitments, obligations, and resolutions just ain’t my thing. Something about the three breed my tendency to over-think. Over-strategize. Get stuck in achieving a goal that needs a relaxed and elastic approach. So I prefer keeping things simple. Really, you have to sometimes. Simplicity opens you up to many possibilities for generating the changes you seek. And with only so many psychological burdens to get in the way when you decide to let go of the "wheel." Or one could hope, anyway.
Personally, I think I stand in a prayer for evolving answers for each year–which a general direction in mind. So any resolutions surround walking the new year in faith. Coupled with taking action on inspired thoughts along the way. And by inspired thoughts I mean those moments when an exciting idea hits you. When the Universe/God is calling you to take some kind of action. Some kind of execution of an idea you trust will keep you on your blossoming path. Even the smallest of daily actions lead to big changes. You just have to execute and let the Universe/God do the rest of the work with the space you’ve provided. Yet, it’s important not to find ourselves stuck in the end-goal. But still uphold the necessity of perseverance.
And that’s why I wanted to write a post on some positive ideas and tools you can use to help usher in your New Year. It’s not necessarily a list. It’s not necessarily an action plan. Just… some ideas.
It's Okay to Self-Help
Don't be afraid to get to know yourself through self-help and personal transformation books. I’ve found they can do a world of wonder for a discouraged or troubled spirit who needs a little reassurance and self-actualization. Believe me on this. There are moments when I open up A Course in Miracles for a quick passage, and immediately find relief in its lucidity. Over the years, I've found many inner and outer conflicts come into perspective instantaneously through this book. So I keep it next to my bed like some sort of cognitive-steering emergency pill.
And that's why it irritates me when people sort of disdain or rebut the validity of self-help books. Or activate the ever present stigma how these books are “useless” or “for the pathetic soul.” Okay, okay. That was a bit of an exaggeration. Nonetheless, my immediate thought for the naysayers is they just haven't found the right book for themselves yet. Either that or lack the patience to explore any given book's methods for creating positive life changes.
Taking the time to work on yourself gives you permission to be who you long to be in this world. The time you take to look inside to find what does and doesn't work for your life is truly a gift to yourself. Especially when you go through life carrying baggage (we all do) or a past you can’t let go of. We live with so many thoughts, pains, and misconceptions generated from within and through forces outside. Why not find some relief from them? I’ve gotten tons of perspectives and personal realizations by traveling through various self-help books. It's a journey that will take all my life–and yours. Learning and working on yourself takes work after all. Work that’s worth it through each step, but never ends.
The six books in the image are ones I revisit (besides my favorite Louise Hay books) off and on over the years. Nathaniel Branden’s Honoring the Self speaks about how self-esteem plays with our behavior and character. Furthermore, how the two elements come about in our decision-making. Wayne Dyer’s The Shift is about leaving the demands of the ego aside to reach our ambitions. Something extremely difficult to do in world where everyone wants to feel present and accounted for. Write It Down, Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser needs more attention from me these days. As the title suggests, writing your aspirations is the first step to achieving them. And she’ll show you how. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer has been on my bedside for years. I love the book because it’s about releasing limiting thoughts and inner aggravations. Julia Cameron’s Walking in This World speaks about accessing creativity and, in turn, our life purpose.
I would throw a couple of Tony Robbins and Dale Carnegie in there as well. Do you have a favorite self-help/transformation book you tote around or sleep next to? Which is it and why do you love it?
Create a Vision Board
In August of 2011 I was watching The Secret for the umpteenth time when John Assaraf shared his vision board story. Before I knew it I'd gathered my writing, lifestyle, traveling, and gaming magazines. It took me no time to clip out images left and right. Whichever image spoke to my vision, I glued them onto my own vision board then stuck the thing on the back of my door.
Now let’s be real, since then I’ve spent more time flying out the door with a glance at it. And no, I can’t say anything from it has manifested. But that’s all right. It all takes time and, fact is, I’m on the road to each as closely as I write this sentence. Nonetheless, at the end of the day, it’s a visual tool. A reminder of two things: what I need and how far I’ve come along since its creation.
So that’s the next idea for the New Year. Create yourself a vision board. You don’t have to burden yourself studying it every day with a potato-fist’ed prayer. Actually, I would suggest not doing that. But instead put it somewhere out in the open for a simple glance here or there. Or a minute or two lingering over it before taking an inspired action–which would get you closer to those desires. Let your board act as a beacon. A whistle. A target. A reset button after a long day in the world outside of your vision. Or see it as a playground for the Universe/God to play in. Because you don't always know how your vision will come to pass, only that it's coming and will often be a surprise.
Record Yourself!
Familiar with your computer’s Sound Recorder program? Well, get familiar with it for a moment. My next idea is to suggest recording yourself speaking your desires, aspirations and wishes. It’s sort of like the audio vision board–if you will. However, record your message as if your vision has already happened. I have about two recordings of myself doing such. I keep them on my computer and cell phone. I would listen to a recording at least once a day, usually on my way to work at five in the morning. Before dawn, driving down the highway trying to get my mind prepped for the chaos I know I’ll escape one day.
You don’t need a fancy recording mic or anything. Speak into your computer’s speakers. Make one recording short for a burst of inspiration. Make one long and meditative. Just remind yourself through yourself of who you are and where you want to take this life you're given.
Record Life With a Journal
My last idea is to lead the New Year with a journal. And yes, I’m showing a picture of one of my journals from my Zazzle shop. It’s only right, considering I started blogging because I wanted to start a business selling journals. Right? Right? (^_^) Anyway, the idea to create journals hit me years ago when I was struggling to find a journal I liked, and would move me to write. I didn’t want the usual Siamese or Pug journal cover. Or the roses and wild flowers. Seascapes and meadows–definitely a no. So I created my own journals featuring my cast of cute (but crazy) imaginary friends.
I’ll freely admit blogging has gotten in the way of my journaling. But just a touch. Yet, hear me when I say it's one in itself. Nevertheless, I can’t express the importance of journaling as a daily activity. I’ve been journaling since the second semester of my senior year in high school. So I have about six or seven notebooks filled with material and stories from my life. Just imagine that for yourself for a moment. Books. Pages. Filled with your life. Your story. Your character. Your identity. Your triumphs and mistakes. All expressed, documented and accessible without conjuring up memories which one day may not be conjurable.
Give yourself life-long access to your journey. Start 2016 writing your life down.
And that, ladies and gentleman, are my ideas for starting off the New Year. Of course in whatever direction you wish to take the twelve months given. There’s more out there to share, but four from me will suffice. If you have any more to add, please place them in the comments section below.
I was thinking about New Year's resolutions when I realized I have a small aversion to space-less tasks and obligations. Especially those ridged and timed, as opposed to flexible. I think it has a lot to do with my mother trying to raise me. To mold me into a strung and responsible person (her own secreted concerns included). However, I grew responsible at the cost of keeping everything–including my feelings/emotions–walled to myself. And responsible in the sense that during my 20's, I had a hard time saying no to unwanted commitments.
So as a child I suffered a little; unable to just be me because of someone else’s idea of how I should be. And the same came true as I grew and became angry at myself, people, and my stifling environment. I’ve gotten better at being who I am and sharing it. Especially in the past three years. I came from a wearer place, so the second I hit thirty, I didn’t have emotional space for the baggage from myself and most certainly others. There were things I needed to do and express. Things I needed to achieve for myself. Things I needed to reach in others. No more emotional drainage.
I ran across Regina Brett’s (new to her, but she has many advice books) God is Always Hiring: 50 Lessons for Finding Fulfilling Work back in April. At the time, I was hunting the bookstore for Toni Morrison’s front-of-store latest, God Help the Child. I was also trying to distract myself from the troubling thoughts of my wrecked car parked in my driveway. As well as distract myself from a 9-5 that just wouldn’t let up. And it’s the 9-5 job situation I speak of which drew me to God is Always Hiring. No, seriously, I considered it a sign from God when the book's bright yellow color captured my attention. I circled the new release tower and–POW–there it was. One to wage my coins on impulse buys; in that instance I grabbed the book (along with Morrison) and headed to the checkout without question. As far as I was concerned, God really was trying to tell me something. This time I would listen.
Funny how things work.
But to be extensively honest, I thought God is Always Hiring came with job-related stories I could identify with. Particularly from the first-hand experiences of individuals who’ve found themselves frustrated by their jobs as well. And what they did about it. Think: Chicken Soup for the Soul, motivating struggle, adaptable tools, and eventual triumphs. Even so, while the book contained tidbits of story essays from various individuals and their 9-5 challenges, it was mainly 50 lessons from the author's experiences. Valid lessons, no doubt. Only I have no idea what it’s like to have a resume as broad and bright as hers. Or one crammed with growth opportunities in a field closer to my own desires themselves. I would even stretch to say I would trade my current job for some of her previous experience. Personally, working as a columnist is far more rewarding and field engaging than a gas station attendant. Trust me. I know this.
Still, I suppose the feelings of finding yourself unfilled are relative yet all the same. (I would probably only go so far as a columnist before my entrepreneurial spirit starts grumbling back up.) Which is why I want to share a few of my favorite lines/lessons/advice provided in the book. These are the moments that truly resonated within my personal situation. The lessons I did identity with and heard God "calling." In turn, if you haven’t read the book, I hope they resonate with you as well so you can go buy God is Always Hiring. And get hit with the inspiration to make those changes in your life that you know you must seek out.
Here we are with WEEK 2 of my "Cashier Confessions" (formerly "On Break... Motivate") series. This week I talk about sharing your ambitions with co-workers. Should you share them? Or should you not. I lean toward no. Be discerning if you feel the need to. Or move in silent. I also talk about being grateful for you job underneath your own terms and not the fear others slip into your mind frame. It's perfectly okay to want better and to feel it. By Thursday I wanted to talk about arguing with co-workers. So not necessary, but often we find ourselves in those situations. If you know you deserve better and strive for it outside of your 9-5–let your co-workers have the place. And Friday I leave the work week encouraging everyone to take pride in having a vision. Because many people don't.
Listen to this mess. My computer has been going slowwww these past two or three months. Like, too slow for me to care about booting her up some days. So I decided to investigate the issue and noticed my C Drive’s MB was screaming in the red. Last time I checked, it was blue. Confused, I did the first thing I knew to do: Disk Cleanup. When that was ineffective, I decided to delete some useless files. And here comes a few of those not-so-useless treasures I rediscovered. I thought it would be best to share them here, so the Internet could continue to hold them. Hopefully you’ll find these little quotes inspiring.
By the way, it was my Norton Backup that was killing my C Drive. I've since fixed the issue and everything is running smoothly. Now if I can get a new DSL camera, I'll really be good to go.
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly. Kelly Cutrone. You’ve probably seen her first on the MTV shows The Hills or The City (my personal favorite was The City; never got into The Hills). Perhaps you’ve seen her as a judge on America’s Next Top-Model. Or maybe you were introduced to her via her 8-episode Bravo reality show, Kell on Earth (I think you can still binge watch it on Netflix). Wherever you were introduced to Kelly, it has to be clear by now that she’s the CEO and founder of People’s Revolution. You know. One of the most acknowledged fashion PR establishments ever. Furthermore, should you be familiar with her, you've already realized she’s a no-bullshitter who doesn’t appear to have an ounce of hesitation as it regards speaking her ballsy mind. No seriously, she gets in people’s asses quite frequently if you haven't noticed. So wherever the platform or media of your discovery, you’ve witnessed how she has a strong opinion and a will to match. She’s often condescending to others, and can be interpreted as a bully. However, she also works her ass off with a tide of people–both clients and employees–to support. Let’s just imagine what it would take to pull off five fashion shows for New York Fashion Week. Once visualized, it’s apparent that she doesn’t have time for flip-flops and BS. And Normal Gets You Nowhere couldn’t be a better window into why Kelly is the way Kelly is. This works for me because I respected Kelly's drive and outspokenness, previous to Normal Gets You Nowhere. Besides, I'm drawn to people I feel I can learn something valuable from–and Kelly Cutrone is definitely one of those individuals. Therefore, for the most part, her book satisfied; Cutrone shares her advice on society, sex, religion, death, motherhood, and careers in one swift go.
I have to find a good place to start with how I concluded my experience and understanding of How to Rule the World from Your Couch by Laura Day. Without rambling, of course. I picked Couch up from my public library’s self-help section. Now did the “self-help” in self-help apply once I finished reading it? I’m… honestly… not sure. I’m leaning toward accepting it has, considering I read the book cover to back without skipping any pages. So I was dedicated and invested, though not totally convinced of Day's self-help methodologies. Conversely, in a subliminal pull, I kept reading because the cover seemed so comfortable and promising in itself. Don't you agree? Nonetheless, let me run down Day’s unique (though not nearly so) approach to self-help. She insists on the highly necessary use of our natural intuition to supply the assistance we need to produce positive changes in our lives. According to her, we could use our intuition to manifest (though she may not use that word) financial, relationship, and business changes. Furthermore, her definition of intuition comes sub-categorized and packaged into applications of mediumship, telepathy, body heat telepathy, remote viewing, precognition, and healing. I know, right. Sounds a little too supernatural and occultist. Personally, these subjects aren’t new to me. I spent my teens researching all things related, and my 20s consuming books written by famed psychic, Sylvia Browne (God rest her soul). Nevertheless, it appears Day takes the psychic/supernatural element out of these subjects and rearranges them with a less than esoteric definition.
Okay. So let’s keep it 100% funky. You all know about Rhonda Byrne. If you were alive in 2006, and well outside of pre-school, then you’re familiar with this lady. She’s the creator of The Secret–both the film and book. And while her philosophies, ideas, and self-help methods were nothing new (start by looking up Ester Hicks); it ushered in a tsunami of law of attraction seekers looking to reclaim their lives with the power of positive thinking. From Oprah to the New York Times bestsellers, Byrne and her Secret were everywhere. She became global, with her book translated in over 50 languages while selling double-digits by millions. Naturally, when someone reaches an audience this wide and varied with a belief so nonconformist, controversy comes intact. Therefore, while those following Byrne believed they could create change in their lives with positive thinking (financial or otherwise), there were those who felt Byrne's belief created harm by deluding those who followed it. When it comes to self-help and positive thinking, I take a more Louise Hay approach. However, that’s not to negate that I didn’t find Hay via the popularity of The Secret. I was working at Borders in 2006; I saw the crowds, processed the orders, stocked the shelves, and shared conversations with excited consumers of The Secret. I even fought with a manager about The Secret’s relevance and system. So, yes, I indulged in The Secret's fame and ideas. I believed that maybe I could find my way into an art school, own a reliable laptop, and find a better job by applying Byrne’s borrowed principles. Except for one other desire, that I shall not name, I can say eventually the things I wanted to create happened. Was it The Secret? I can’t say because they all happened in their own time.
Nonetheless, I lost touch with The Secret as I moved into Louise Hay’s territory. I even sold my copy of the book to put gas in my car for a trip home. A couple of years ago, I restocked my shelf when I found it at a used bookstore. Just for safekeeping, I suppose.
I don’t like to make any claims without specific examples. I don’t like to push, but rather suggest. But what I will say, and stand behind as it concerns The Secret, is that life is so much better when you at the very least give yourself some kind of hope and will to believe. So I may not quite realize whether positive thinking can bring me a bouquet of flowers, but I can appreciate rearranging my thoughts and emotions outside of the doldrums of negativity. Negativity is poison. And if you dislike being around someone who wallows in it, then chances are that sometimes include yourself.
When we see someone follow their dream, we can get the mistaken idea that they must have had privileges to be able to do it. In fact, it happens the other way around; it's when you decide to take the leap into the Hero's Journey that the privileges come. When you commit to your dream, it's as though any person who can help you with your dream is summoned by the Universe to be right there for you with everything you need at the exact time you need it.
If your commitment begins to waver at any time on the Hero's Journey, through disappointment, rejected, or something that didn't go the way you thought it would go, those are the times when you need to remind yourself that you are always being moved to your dream in the way that will bring about the greatest outcome.
Unless you want to wake up and do the same thing every day, you need to be a fighter. You need to be a warrior if you want to make a difference, if you want to be significant. I wanted to be significant. I wanted to do things that would change my life, and would change people's lives. I cannot be ordinary.
When your work is your bliss, you will be happy. Doing a job you think you should do instead of doing what you love is leading a false life. So many precious people are living a life that has been put upon them by well-meaning parents, teachers, or society, or even by a friend or partner, and they're miserable. We're seeing the evidence of the misery in people through the alarming increase of mental health problems in the world. Shut out what everyone else thinks, have the courage to follow your own bliss, and you will be immensely happy.
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking and don't settle.
Many people give up on their dreams or don't even begin to pursue them because from where they are standing they can't see the whole path to their dream. You will never see the whole path ahead, and so you will never know how your dream is going to come true. No successful person has ever known how his or her dream would happen. They simply believed that it would happen, and did not give up until it had.