While the truth is I was more or less moved by my completing of reading The Way of Kings back in October, I still wanted (at some time or another) to give Brandon Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archive series more chances. I understood from some readers how the second book, Words of Radiance, really set the tone of this epic fantasy. The issue is that I just didn’t know when exactly I wanted to try more of the series–-to jump in further within Kaladin, Shallan and Dalinar’s journey. It’s one of those epic fantasy series that continues to stay in the back of my mind, with a part of me ready to find precisely what is the draw of the series overall.
So, I don’t know exactly when I will be jumping back into the series. However, as seen, I’m prepped and ready to see what else the series has to offer. I want to find what makes this series such a beloved staple in the high fantasy genre. What is all the rage? What is all the fuss? And, as a The Wheel of Time lover, will I ever find my Nynaeve in Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere Universe?
We’ll see. Soon. At some time. Lots to get through here. But, as when I took on reading The Wheel of Time, I believe I can do this.