I decided to open 2016 going after my bigger books. This includes omnibus editions containing a set of series entries of some sort. Which is exactly where Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84 lies. Containing a total of three books, I recently wrapped up the first entry. And have yet the precise words to describe the experience. I don’t think there any concrete words. Yet, not to suggest I didn’t enjoy the experience–because I did. And a lot more than my previous–and introductory–reading of Murakami’s Dance Dance Dance.
I just don’t know exactly how to put the experience into words. So perhaps a quick summary would get my thinking juices flowing. Or one could hope.
So here’s what 1Q84 is about. Which is only right for me to walk you through this summary alongside myself. The little synopsis/premise I collected previous to picking the book (over a year ago) were kind of misty on its direction. The book itself throws all these terms at you to describe your approaching experience. Romance. Mystery. Fantasy. All to name a few. And it’s all those descriptions–in some gradient of each over another. But I found those descriptions useless, for those grappling with engaging with the book. To me, the book is a surreal reading experience. One you have to take in without–I guess you could say–a concrete overture to rely on. Funny how many Japanese writers put me in this frame of mind after venturing through their books.
The story alternates between two third-person narratives. Of course they'll eventually float into the same literary space of Tokyo, 1984.