Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Monday, March 4, 2024
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Friday, April 16, 2021
#FridayReads: Cordelia Gray Has Risen...
Oh, I plan on doing some duel reading (more on the other book later).
50 pages a day. Something like that. Not my usual gig, but I don't want to lose
steam with my second offering…
Therefore, first up is…
The Skull Beneath the Skin by P. D. James. This is the
second and final entry in James's Cordelia Gray detective agency series.
Shamefully, I started this book ten years ago, after
reading the wonderfulness of the first book in the series, An Unsuitable Job for a Woman. So why am I just now picking up Gray's second and final mystery?
You want to know the truth? I had a dream about it and, in that dream, I was Cordelia Gray. Blame it on the Benadryl, but I tell you no
lies. I laid my ass down one night and dreamt about reading this book, as I, in
the dream, was Cordelia Gray solving a mystery involving crows. Maybe that was
guilt for not completing this book working through my subconscious. Yet, needless to say, I took the hint. Dreaming about unread books has happened to me before.
But just in case, I have to list what made me stop the
book ten years ago about a quarter ways through:
As I've stated over the years, I can't stand mysteries
involving theatres, movie lots, television sound-stages, scripts, and
curtains—basically, entertainment business stuff. Don't ask me why because I
don't even know why these set-ups annoy me. Nevertheless, in the case of The Skull Beneath the Skin, an actress is receiving poison-pen letters. Heading
toward a performance on an island somewhere in Britain, said actress's husband
employed Gray to go undercover as her secretary-companion. Gray's job is to
stealthy find the culprit of these letters before he or she exacts their
desired threats upon the actress. Naturally, a pile of bodies will help Gray
toward the truth.
2. I bailed as the chapters moved further away from Gray's perspective and into others. I'm used to this now from James. Her mysteries have strength and resonance because of her ability to brighten her characters with personalities, nuance, secrets, and motives (not to dismiss her incredible literary writing qualities applied to her mysteries). When she hops perspectives, you get first-hand observation to play inference with her mystery-writing game. But as I've always said about James, you MUST read between the lines of her dialogue. That's where she can really trip you up.
At the time of my initial attempt at the book, I was new to James. I had yet to even start her Adam Dalgliesh series. Which, thankfully, I stand at a six-out-of-fourteen down as of writing this. So I found Skull to be tepid and laborious than my experience with the first Gray mystery. An Unsuitable Job for a Woman was shorter, and darn-right airtight with its clever mystery and pacing. Nevertheless, reading the wonderfulness of Dalgliesh has grounded away those regards for James's work.
And so, ladies and gentleman, that's why I'm here. It's
finally time to give Cordelia Gray her proper due. I don't know why Storm from X-Men came to mind, other than I feel all powerful and activated and ready to handle my business by giving this series a proper closing. I'm over 50 pages in already and ready to GO! Only then can I knock on the doors of the eight books I have left in the Dalgliesh series.
(Forgive all spelling and grammatical errors. I seriously have an essay to write, so I'm making this one quick.)
Friday, January 1, 2021
Thursday, December 31, 2020
My Favorite Books of 2020
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Friday, February 22, 2019
#MarchMysteryMadness TBR - Stunts & Rumbles
March Mystery Madness Challenges...
1. Old
Shroud for a Nightingale (Adam Dalgliesh Mysteries Book 4) by P. J. James (https://amzn.to/2U5Yhu4)
2. Again
Hard Time: A V. I. Warshawski Novel (V.I. Warshawski Novels Book 9) by Sara Paretsky (https://amzn.to/2BMXC9H)
3. New
Final Jeopardy (Alexandra Cooper Mysteries) by Linda Fairstein (https://amzn.to/2IsKwUA)
4. Borrowed
The Color of Justice by Ace Collins (https://amzn.to/2TYXuuE)
5. Blue
Inner City Blues: A Charlotte Justice Novel by Paula L. Woods (https://amzn.to/2U4ahfq)
6. Optional: Mystery featuring or themed around a wedding!
Sick of Shadows (Elizabeth MacPherson) by Sharon McCrumb (https://amzn.to/2IwFCWL)
Friday, January 4, 2019
I Guess the 1st Book Haul of 2019
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Book Openers Revisited ~ PART TWO...
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
2015's 6 FINAL READS ~ PART 2
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Ann Marie & Nora DON'T PLAY when it comes to Christie! |
"On the surface, the Steen Psychiatric Clinic is one of the most reputable institutions in London. But when the administrative head is found dead with a chisel in her heart, that distinguished facade begins to crumble as the truth emerges. Superintendent Adam Dalgliesh of Scotland Yard is called in to investigate and quickly finds himself caught in a whirlwind of psychiatry, drugs, and deceit. Now he must analyze the deep-seated anxieties and thwarted desires of patients and staff alike to determine which of their unresolved conflicts has resulted in murder and stop a cunning killer before the next blow."
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Currently-Reading Hustle (Video)
2. Young Miss Holmes by Kaoru Shintani ~ http://amzn.to/1PZeNFm
3. A Free Life by Ha Jin ~ http://amzn.to/1PZePx0
4. A Mind to Murder by P. D. James ~http://amzn.to/1POQaNa
5. Perfect Peace by Daniel Black ~ http://amzn.to/1PZeV83
6. God is Always Hiring by Regina Brett ~ http://amzn.to/1POQiw0
7. Day Shift by Charlaine Harris ~ http://amzn.to/1POQnzR
Monday, July 21, 2014
Unbox Me
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Cover Her Face by P.D. James
“Coincidences happen every day. An average jury will be able to think up half a dozen instances in their own experience. The most likely interpretation of the facts so far is that someone known to Sally got in through her window and killed her. He may or may not have used the ladder. There are scratches on the walls as if he slid down by the stack pipe and lost his hold when he was nearly at the ground. The police must have noticed these, but I don't see how they can prove when the scratches were made. Sally may have been admitting callers that way on previous occasions.”
Cover Her Face starts off at Martingale manor, a home owned by a wealthy English family known as the Maxie family. Within the opening of the book, the family prepares to (once again) host a church-related event on their wide property. This annual event raises money for charity, complete with re-establishing the influence of the Maxie family.
Eleanor Maxie, family matriarch and wife of the bedridden Mr. Maxie, sends for family and friends to assist her with the charity event. This includes her son Dr. Stephen Maxie and, family friend and socialite, Catherine Bowers. Additionally, within Mrs. Maxie’s household comes her daughter Deborah Maxie and, her introspective potential boyfriend, Felix Hearne. With a full staff of volunteers, Mrs. Maxie feels reassured that success will follow her upcoming charity event.
Then one evening (after the success of the charity) her son approaches the crowded dinner table to announce that he is engaged to Mrs. Maxie’s newest parlor maid, Sally Jupp. Sally has a deep and strong history of rebellion and willfulness. However, that has never deterred Mrs. Maxie from recognizing how knowledgeable and helpful Sally is as a maid. Heck, Mrs. Maxie even allowed Sally to keep her toddler in the manor. Nonetheless, the endlessly patient Mrs. Maxie cannot bless Sally and her son's engagement. Her reservations of Sally can only lie aside for so long. And while that may be one grievance Mrs. Maxie may have over Sally, it doesn't help that the majority of Mrs. Maxie’s family and friends do not like the girl almost by default. So when Sally Jupp turns up dead behind the bolted door of her room inside of the Martingale manor, the list of suspects appears close and boundless.
Monday, March 3, 2014
"Innocent Blood" by P. D. James ~ The Spoiler Edition
Here we go, a condense (hopefully) summary. First, the story takes place in Britain. It begins with the adopted Philippa Palfrey introducing herself to a social worker. Armed with her passport and drivers’ license, eighteen-year-old Philippa is prepared to employee the Children Act of 1975 to gather information regarding her birth parents. In Philippa’s circumstance the passing of the Children Act of 1975 grants her further documentation of her adoption at eight-years-old; though, at one point, those documents were listed under confidential. The social worker makes a slight show of hesitation, hinting more or less that Philippa might not like what she finds. Naturally, Philippa isn’t discouraged. She was adopted into a well-off family (Maurice and Hilda Palfrey), and coated with a certain level of prestige, is determined to have things her way. Besides, she’s never felt love within her adopted family, and driven by her dreams, can only open her arms to the possibility of finding love through her biological parents. Love in the form of identity.
Leaving the social worker’s office, Philippa is encouraged to find her birth certificate. That will reveal the names of her biological parents. She does so, receiving the envelope from the Registrar General soon after her visit to the social worker's office. The first thing she notice is that she was named Rose Ducton. The second: the address of her birth parents from the year she was born, 1960. Philippa keeps this information from her homemaker/juvenile court juror adopted mother, Hilda, as well as from her sociology professor adopted father, Maurice. In the meantime, Philippa makes personal plans to reach her birth home in Seven Kings, Essex. After all, her adopted father appears to occupied to care. A knowingness that Philippa is familiar with.

Philippa uses her adoptive parents' unhinderedness as a means to find the necessary information on her mother’s prison whereabouts. Once discovered, she requests a visitation, driven by the romantic idea that she can take care of her mother even if she should put her Cambridge dreams on hold to do so. And that’s what Philippa manages. Instead of leaving her mother alone to a hostel after her release date, Philippa leases a bodega-like flat (below her is a small grocery store run by a man named Edward) and retrieves her mother for the growing experience. After her mother’s probation officer comes to solidify the conditions, Philippa and her mother proceed to get jobs at a local diner. All the while, they are unaware that poor Juliet Scase’s father has been tracking Philippa’s mother’s prison sentence, and subsequent releasing. Why? To exact revenge, of course.
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Used from Archivia Caltari |
Having only read into James's Cordelia Grey Mysteries, I believe it's time I start packing the dollars to take on her whole catalog of books. And so should you if you are behind on P.D. James.
Reading Group Questions
1. When Philippa first learns that her mother was a murderess about to be released from prison, did you expect that her mother would be a threat to Philippa? Were you surprised to find her a gentle, even sympathetic character? Where does the suspense in the novel come from?
I absolutely did believe Mary Ducton was going to be a threat to Philippa. I was sure that she would take full advantage of the clout Philippa managed to gather from the status of Maurice Palfrey. Additonally, to the extend of his deceased ex-wife, Helena, an earls daughter. An earl is considered a person of nobility.
Nonetheless, I was surprised to find Mary to be gentle, but held my breathe in the thought that she was buying time before she made her move. Now I know, once a killer always a killer. But there seems to be no sympathy for Mary Ducton by other readers. She has paid her price (though I thought a life term would be the court's decision), and is now living her life under the social stigma of a child murderer. Yet, I rooted for Mary once the narrative switched to share her fated letter to Philippa, soon after the two became roommates. Mary was trying again at life by putting her trust in Philippa. And when it came to light that Mary gave Philippa away months before the murder of Juliet Scase, James did not relent as she shed a clear light as to why. I mean, James dug into Mary’s psychology that I couldn't help but feel for her in the end. I’ve seen reviews where readers claim she got what she deserved, delivered by the awfulness I come to learn that made up Philippa. Speaking of which, I had to remind myself that Philippa was eighteen--therefore a child as the novel's events unfolded. I stress that even more when later she goes to an even lower point to find that love she felt her mother failed to give her.
As far as the suspense in the novel, most of that came from Norman Scase and the thrill as to whether or not he would get away with this murder he has so plotted.
2. How does Philippa change in the course of the novel? What does her final encounter with Norman Scase reveal about her growth? Do you accept as true that "it is only through learning to love that we find identity"?
Have you read Innocent Blood or any other P. D. James psychological thriller? Please share your thoughts or suggestions. Should I start her Adam Dalgliesh series now?