Saturday, September 2, 2023

Top 100 Mystery Novels Haul

While I "dedicated" August to tackling some of the books featured in the Top 100 Mystery Novels of All Time list, it is now September and probably time to move on. Part of me wants to push forward in September with the list. And part of me has been craving for something far removed from mystery novels altogether (my Mercedes Lackey fantasy books seem to be calling me from afar). 

Whatever I decide to do, I remain vigilant in collecting some of the future reads presented on this list–throughout the month of August. So, here are some of the books I found throughout the month in preparation for my next excursion in tackling the Top 100 Mystery Novels of All Time list. And I must reiterate how HARD it is to find many of these books, short of ordering them online. However, these books I found at various thrift stores, used bookstores, friends of the library sales, and so forth. So, per the picture, the books I managed to acquire are…

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Marcia Muller's Sharon McCone #36 Has Been Announced

It's about time. We've been waiting since 2021's release of Ice and Stone for the next Sharon McCone mystery. Welp. Here it is... (Amazon affiliate link below)

Release Date: April 23, 2024 
(so we got a minute to wait)

"San Francisco is home to more than 200 privately owned streets. Most are alleyways, but a select few look torn straight from the pages of a magazine. Lined with mansions and elaborate gardens, the properties are luxurious and perfectly maintained; security guards patrol the grounds to keep the curious at bay. Few know of these exclusive enclaves, but those who do prowl for availability, ready to make a grab for the precious real estate if opportunity strikes.

When several such streets are targeted in a series of so-called pranks, Sharon is hired by a coalition of concerned owners to investigate. But as things escalate—an attempt on Sharon’s life, an explosion at a meth lab, and a shocking murder—Sharon realizes far more is at play than a few misdemeanors gone wrong.

The case takes a sudden turn when one of McCone & Ripinsky’s most trusted employees is implicated, and Sharon will have to dig deep to save her agency—and her life."

Monday, August 14, 2023

(a defunct goal) Top 100 Mystery Novels of All Times Raymond Chandler Library Haul

First, I have to be super clear. This video is pretty much obsolete at this point. I happened to have filmed it right behind my last video and have since then tried to read The Big Sleep for the third time before deciding to pass on Chandler's work. But considering I had already filmed and edited this video, there was no way I was going to let it just sit in a vault. Therefore, I've uploaded it and still invite those who have read Chandler to pass me a good word. I'm just not as encouraged as I thought. FYI: This video might be exclusively on my blog. You win some. You lose some. Personally, I want to read more Dorothy L. Sayers. After reading The Nine Tailors, the craving for more Peter Whimsey has taken over.

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