Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mythos and Logos Revisited

Powell’s final comprehension of mythos and logos was defined by a line of others’ attempts to define the term.  According to Powell’s A Short Introduction to Classical Myth, fifth century BC Pindar defined the terms as a “difference between a tale” [mythos] and “one based on reason” [logos].  Eventually, the definition of myth and logos took on a socialistic view, described as the passing of stories and parables that provided a reasonable solution to human endeavors.  This definition insisted that traditional-style stories, or mythos, contributed to the way a society modeled their behavior.  Or as I personally believe, offered itself as a behavior correction mechanism that laid “heavy numbers” to keep some parts of society in line.  However, logos are the concepts that relies on delivering the truth, or a reasonable explanation.

Nevertheless, I found that Powell’s eventual definition of mythos and logos as indefinite as its source.  However, myth will seemingly always carry the definition of being somewhat irrational in concerns to storytelling.  Whereas logo strives for the rational.

Jones’s book, The Marriage of Logos and Mythos, begins with his supporting of Powell’s view on mythos and logos in his “Aspects of the Mythic Imagination” text.  Here he highlights four aspects of mythos and how we apply the definition of it on a personal scale of comprehension.  Like Powell, he believes mythos is a means to provide insight into an individual’s own direction, even describing its purpose as a means to shift individuals onto a “timeless learning journey.”  His views take on an imaginative, even esoteric, approach to the definition of mythos.  However, like Powell, his understanding of logo continues with the “logical” approaching concept.

The marriage between the two appears to be explained by Jones’s view of: “with the rise of the industrial economy, we found ourselves in a world out of balance.  Scientific logos quickly rose to dominance and the mythic life feels into disrepute.”  Nevertheless, Jones concludes that, in the context of leadership, both mythos and logos have to become one.  It’s this union that provides a leader with a logical--yet creative--approach to leading generations to come. 

Just revisiting some old ideas related to literature.  I wonder which do I live in most.  A world filled with mythos-like ideas?  Or the practicals of logo-like ideas?  It's fair to say both.

Jones, M. (2010). The Marriage of Logos and Mythos: Transforming Leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies, 4(3), 73-76.

Powell, B. B. (2002). A short introduction to classical myth. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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