Tuesday, May 9, 2023

T. A. Barron's Adventures of Kate 20 Years Later Re-Reading

Here it is and here I go. Finally, finally doing a rereading (because I’m not great at doing so). Though this is a twenty-years-later type of rereading. While I won’t get into all these long “historical” details, I simply must express how–for whatever reason–I suddenly wanted to read T. A. Barron’s three Kate Gordon fantasy books. Two decades later, by the way. Anyway, I’ve held on to them for so long and am now ready to answer this strange calling. So… here we go…

The reading order is:

  1. Heartlight

  2. The Ancient One (my personal favorite/introduction and one I read for the first time years before the others)

  3. The Merlin Effect

So the month of May is dedicated to going on adventures with Kate again. From the distant planet in her physics journey in Heartlight. Her falling deep into the past wrapped in an indigenous-themed tragedy in The Ancient One. And, finally, the deep sea quest found in The Merlin Effect.

I’m not interested in examining how these middle-grade books that were published in the earlier 90s stand today. Nor gauged them for how much I’ve grown as a reader. I’m here for just pure, relaxing, fun, ADVENTURES.


  1. recycleonwednesdaysMay 30, 2023 at 8:39 PM

    Oh my gosh! The Ancient One! I read that in school. I couldn't remember the name of it or enough details to look it up. I didn't know that it was part of a trilogy. I might have to track these down. Thank you!!

    1. It was my favorite fantasy book growing up. After rereading it, it kinda still hits the same as back then. LOL. The whole trilogy is great.


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