Thursday, December 24, 2020

I Did a Reading Thing this Year...

Totally caught up on the Green Rider Series by Kristen Britain.  Book #7, Winterlight, will release September of 2021.  Naturally...


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

These Kids Are Getting Books for Christmas 2020

Allllllllllll aboard.  So my three favorite children (who happen to be my little cousins) are forever and always getting books from me come Christmas.  And this time I had to do absolutely zero questioning (well, a little sneaky question or two) concerning which titles they wanted.  

The going-on thirteen-year-old is still into The Last Kids on Earth series.  Easy!  The ten-year-old mentioned something about some Rowley Jefferson character.  Evidently Rowley is a spin-off from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.  She never took to the Dork Diaries series.  Which I always saw as the girl's version of Wimpy Kid.  But what works will work, baby!  As for the eight-year-old, good ole Dog Man will seem to continue to do this year.  And, as always, when I go buy books I donate to the Toys & Books Drive.  This year, some lucky kid is going to get some Sailor Moon manga!

Anyway, the real question is whether or not I'm going to wrap these things.  I'm lazy, y'all.  I've been using the same wrapping paper for three years straight.  That's how bad I can be...

But my heart is always in the right place.  LOL.


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Saturday Night Clean-Up

You know what this means...?  Time to clean up and get rid of some books!  What's going to make the cut?

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

TWO Up-Coming 2021 Black Mystery Releases...

Naturally, I have these books sprinkled all over my virtual book-buying carts in anticipation.  But just as a friendly reminder, here's what we all have to look forward to (all links are Amazon/author's website affiliate)...

Runner (A Chicago Mystery #4) by Tracy Clark

"Chicago in the dead of winter can be brutal, especially when you're scouring the frigid streets for a missing girl.  Fifteen-year-old Ramona Titus has run away from her foster home.  Her biological mother, Leesa Evans, is a recovering addict who admits she failed Ramona often in the past.  But now she's clean.  And she's determined to make up for her mistakes–if Cass can only help her find her daughter.  

Yet, it seems Ramona doesn't want to be found.  Ramona is holding secrets dark enough to kill for, and anyone who helps her may be fair game. And if Ramona can't run fast enough and hide well enough to keep the truth safe, she and Cass may both be out of time."

I am so, so glad Tracy Clark and her P.I. Cass Raines [see labels] is back.  Four years.  Four books.  And a thousand or so more to go will do me just right.  The only hard part is the wait!  But, as always, I remind myself not to rush life.  Cheers for another Cass book to start the summer off with.


Murder by Page One: A Peach Coast Library Mystery from Hallmark Publishing by Olivia Matthews

"Marvey, a librarian, has moved from Brooklyn to a quirky small town in Georgia. When she’s not at the library organizing events for readers, she’s handcrafting book-themed jewelry and looking after her cranky cat. At times, her new life in the South still feels strange...and that’s before the discovery of the dead body in the bookstore.

After one of her friends becomes a suspect, Marvey sets out to solve the murder mystery. She even convinces Spence, the wealthy and charming newspaper owner, to help. With his ties to the community, her talents for research, and her fellow librarians’ knowledge, Marvey pursues the truth. But as she gets closer to it, could she be facing a deadly plot twist?"

So as you can see, this isn't the official cover art for the book.  But you can bettttttttt I look for an update daily!  Because I can't wait to see what it looks like.  Anyway, while I most certainly will miss Olivia Matthew's Sister Lou [see labels] mystery series, I am thoroughly excited that she has a new release coming up.  Can I guarantee you carrots and sticks that this Murder by Page One is going to be good!  Trust me, it will!

Hope you got these in your carts/wishlist/paper lists–WHEREVER.  See you all soon for the next round!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

FINALLYYYYY! An Update on Marcia Muller's Next Sharon McCone Mystery

Soooooo, y'all know I take the time every other day to look for new releases from authors I love.  And nothing is more punishing than waiting years between releases.  So I thought Marcia Muller was done with her Sharon McCone P.I. mystery series, after 2018's release of The Breakers.  Low-key... I was panicking a little about the woman and whether or not she was coming back.  You know, given how we lost Grafton four years ago.  Grafton's passing was the reason I buckled down in 2018 and read through the entirety of Muller's McCone series.  And, hell, I finished the series excited for more.  Sooooooooo, here we are YEARS later (and at the tail end of this craziness of 2020) with the announcement of the next Sharon McCone mystery.  I, naturally, just hate to wait until August for it.  UGH!  Anyway, I and many Muller readers finally got our answer in McCone's 35th case, Ice and Stone.

"Private investigator Sharon McCone goes undercover to investigate the murders of two indigenous women in remote Northern California in this gripping, atmospheric mystery in the New York Times bestselling series.

When two women are brutally murdered in northern California, their deaths are the latest atrocities in a surge of violence targeting indigenous women in the area. Despite all evidence to the contrary, local officials rule the deaths isolated incidents, and they soon join the ranks of other unsolved homicides, quickly forgotten by law enforcement.

Private Investigator Sharon McCone knows better, and so does the organization known as Crimes Against Indigenous Sisters, who hires Sharon to go undercover in Eiwok county, a tiny region on the mountainous Oregon border, to uncover the murderer.

In an isolated cabin in the freezing, treacherous woods, Sharon must unravel a mystery that is rooted in ignorance, profound hatred, and vengeance -- before another victim is claimed."

Amazon affiliate link below:

Me heading to the bookstore come August 10th, 2021:

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