Friday, July 3, 2015

The Creamy Ways of Rita Mae

"When a phony obituary appears in the local paper, the good people of Crozet, Virginia, are understandably upset.  Who would stoop to such a tasteless act?  Is it a sick joke–or a sinister warning?  Only Mrs. Murphy, the canny tiger cat, senses true malice at work.  And her instincts prove correct when a second fake obit appears, followed by a fiendish murder... and then another.  People are dropping like flies in Crozet, and no one knows why.  Yet even if Mrs. Murphy untangles the knot of passion and deceit that has sent someone into a killing frenzy, it won't be enough.  Somehow the shrewd puss must guide her favorite human, postmistress "Harry" Haristeen, down a perilous trail to a deadly killer... and a killer of a climax.  Or the next orbit may be Harry's own."

Y’all know what time it is, right? If not, it’s Rita Mae Brown time (now don't you snicker!). Seeing this is the sixth book in Brown’s Mrs. Murphy cozy mystery series, I still don’t have much to say other than I simply adore these books.  If that's a valid summation, please believe it.  Anyway, they're light and probably written for an acquired taste, considering they're about a dog and cat detective.  Nevertheless, Brown’s way with words still has the “creamy” quality I savor.  It's a quality that begs me to grab a blanket, pillow, and turn off the PS4. So I had a great time spending hours cozying up to this book, especially as a thunderstorm blew into town. Matter-of-fact, I raced home to get to Murder on the Prowl minutes before the storm broke. 
The Pull

Jumping from the above synopsis, there’s always an extended cast introduced on top of the "good people" of Crozet. Said extended cast takes a minute or two to adjust to; Brown considers each character's history, purpose, determination, and reason.  However, should you find yourself lost in their mix, Brown has a Cast of Characters page present for you to revert to. You know, in case you need a cheat sheet. Still, I repeat, after a while you won’t need it. You’ll get them just fine because they have the tendency to come alive the further you read.

Whether it's via the perspective of her cat or dog sleuth, it's always interesting watching her players operate.  Especially within the given theme of each book (Murder on the Prowl took on teenage academic pressure while spiraling into something desperate and horrifying).  No, her characters aren't superbly deep and complex, but what they are is twisted and vivid to their roles.  So by the end of her books, I’m always left desperate for the next story.  Especially after her villains lay down his/her side of the in-hand events.

I have to keep reading this series. They're the quintessential definition of a cozy (next to Murder, She Wrote). I want to curl up with these books each time I pick one up.

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