Tuesday, April 16, 2019

"PICTURE THIS" Book Blogging #1 ~ The Sliced Reviewer

Picture this, book bloggers (in my Sophia Petrillo voice)...

A book you liked or loved and shared more than likely won't land the same adoration by some in your audience. On the flip-side, there are some who may like/love it the same as you. Regardless, the same principle applies to yourself, even when the former situation sneaks up and hurt your feelings just a little bit.

But think about it, pussycat. It’s fair to say we’ve all tried recommended books by book bloggers. And it's fair to find ourselves of the opposite opinion about whether we liked the book or not. Sometimes you like a recommended book from a book blogger, and sometimes you don’t. It's all par for the course in this “business”. Right?

And yet, despite all that jazz, as a book blogger an audience member's dislike of a book you loved and shared on your platform sometimes stings. As it has a personal touch to it. And–if you choose to sit in it–it ruffles with your “credibility” as a reliable book reviewer.

You still with me here, pussycat?

So with that said, don't lose heart if you're going through this. Go through and get through the dispiritedness it brings. And get back to work reading and sharing the books you love. As well as those not so much loved. You can only be responsible for yourself in this matter. You know, operating solely from the brain, spirit and sensibilities God gave you and you alone. Everybody has his or her own personal pattern and pallet of spirit and sensibilities. Why wreck yourself wondering where yours went wrong in connection to someone else's?

Or do like me. Struck with book blogging downheartedness, watch The Golden Girls whilst writing your thoughts out. Turn a puncture into an opportunity to be honest and transparent with those who’ve felt the same.

Besides, at the end of the day, you can’t always bat 100. Right? That’s just life.

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